
Friday, May 29, 2009

How to find page/site customization status – Part 2 – with the help of SharePoint object model

I know that if I find my required data/information from SharePoint database then there must be some way to find same thing from object model. So I started debugging SPFile object and tried to see what are the properties exposed by object model, but I didn’t see any properties from code, then I have found some hidden properties which match with ALLDOCS table schema, properties names are "vti_hasdefaultcontent", "vti_setuppath", so after using those hidden SPFile properties, I got my results which match with query results,

Example Code:

SPFile objFile;

string bDefaultContent = (string)objFile.Properties["vti_hasdefaultcontent"];

string strSetupPath = (string)objFile.Properties["vti_setuppath"];

if (strSetupPath == null && bDefaultContent == null)


//If code executed and comes into this loop then current Page/File status is customized

//then I can take objFile.File and objFile.URL values


Reference Links:

I have found one hidden property name from object model for checking page/site customization

Hidden Property name from file object

Comments are always welcome!!!


  1. [...] How to find page/site customization status – Part 2 – with the help of SharePoint object mo... [...]

  2. This one is really interesting post. Thanks for posting.

  3. Yeah, so far it's one of the challenging work into my assignment.
