
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Challenges while working with object model to access recurring meeting workspace site information

I was faced many challenges while getting all agenda list, document library from recurring meeting workspace site, because when we are accessing recurring meeting workspace into object model by SPList and other object, we are only getting data of first meeting instance ID, we are not able to loop through all instance at one place.


Many of the people were facing same problem like me, here is one of the link


I did lots of search on internet and finally I found one line of code from which I got some direction to work on. I followed this link to find my solution,


Points to be taken care:
1. There is one hidden list called “Meeting Series” into object model, which will store all the meeting Instance ID, so we need to take each meeting Instance ID from hidden list


2. We need to pass meeting Instance ID to SPQuery object, SPQuery contains property to hold Meeting Instance ID.


Sample Code to find out all data from recurring meeting workspace site:


        //Check if current Web is Meeting Workspace then execute below code

        if (SPMeeting.IsMeetingWorkspaceWeb(oWeb))


            //Get Meeting Series list for taking Instance ID of each workspace site

            SPList meetingSeriesList = oWeb.Lists["Meeting Series"];


            for (int Cnt = 0; Cnt < meetingSeriesList.Items.Count; Cnt++)


                int InstanceId = Convert.ToInt32(meetingSeriesList.Items[Cnt]["InstanceID"]);


                if (InstanceId != 0)


                    // Use SPQuery to set Meeting Instance ID

                    SPQuery MeetingQry = new SPQuery();

                    MeetingQry.IncludeMandatoryColumns = true;

                    MeetingQry.MeetingInstanceId = InstanceId;


                    //Do Processing of SPQuery Object and get all Agenda List, Document Library data                  





  1. Just use MeetingQry.MeetingInstanceId = -1 to query all meetings.

  2. Thank you Janis for the information!

  3. How would i create a meeting workspace site programatically im not sure not able to get the meeting series work which has instances.

  4. I am trying to build an access database that links to a meeting workspace so that I can develop a report in Access for the results of meetings. I am running into the same problem...only the latest meeting shows in the Access database. How do I tell Access to pull all meeting instances? I am using Access 2007.
