
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

SharePoint 2010 Hide social buttons

We can enable/disable, I like it and tag buttons and functionality on farm level.

Here is a way to display/hide these buttons on page level, insert below style scripts into content editor web part:

<style type="text/css">
text-align: left;
display: none;

SharePoint 2010 Hide left side menu

Insert content editor web part and add below styles into it for hiding left side navigation menu in any SharePoint page.

<style type="text/css">
#s4-leftpanel { display: none; } .s4-ca { margin-left: 0px; }

SharePoint Branding Useful sites

Here are 2 very good and useful sites from where we can get every information about how to change look and feel about SharePoint, it has tiny details about each master page classes.

It's like Bible for branding, Many Thanks to sites!

Windows Authentication URL for SharePoint 2010

Scenario: I have configured claim based authentication into one of web application and created custom login page for internal and external users. When user enter any sub-site URL into browser, as expected they first prompt to login page, but after they click as internal/external users, they are redirected to root site collection page which is incorrect.

To resolved this issue, I have to passed proper/correct query string parameters to the custom login page which will redirect user to the specific page.

Here is reference link about what are the required parameters for custom login page:

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Best practice for accessing list items using SharePoint object model

How to generate .NET Classes from XSD file

Most of the time when we are working with web services, we have to generate .NET classes from XSD schema file to start with coding. Microsoft provides xsd.exe tool in SDK for generating classes but I personally feel it’s not BEST tool to start with, because sometime xsd.exe tool is generating unnecessary classes.

To overcome this situation we can do two things –
1) change schema file respectively
2) change generated .NET classes to satisfy requirements.

Here is very good link which talks about different options for generating classes from XSD :